Thursday 11 August 2011

Some good some bad

Angela working like a slave picking rocks out of our dirt supply for the rammed earth wall. 
Brody taking apart the first failed rammed earth wall.  The wall failed for several reasons.  Too rushed.  Had access to a skid steer and worked to 11:00 pm.  The dirt had way too many large rocks in it and although we attempted to pick a lot out but there was just too many.  The soil  and the portland cement was not mixed thoroughly enough as we tried to mix it with the skid steer and I was a poor operator.  We then switched to mixing it by hand and did not get it mixed enough probably due to exhaustion.

BUT...  not giving up yet.  We have changed the amount of rammed earth wall we are going to build but we will have some if the next one goes as planned.  We are now down to two corner walls approx. 3' wide by 4' high by 7' long with a 3" concrete bond beam on top that will also serve as a shelf instead of the original plan of 3'X8'X26', so substantially smaller.   I will add 6, 30 gallon water barrels for extra heat storage.  I have now built a 4' X 8' screen with ~1/2" holes that I tilt at ~50 degrees and dump the dirt over it with the tractor.  It works great for getting out the rocks.  I am going to rent a rototiller to mix it so fingers crossed it works next time.  The first wall has been ripped down (and a good thing as it was not well fused together)  and the form reset.  I think we will build the wall much quicker the 2nd time around.

Rented air compressor and rammer.

Green house started.

Inside the rammed earth wall form.

Brent Ramming.

The chimney in the upstairs bedroom.

The masonry heater getting built.  To be faced with New Brunswick stone.

Water line dug into house.

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks like you have a hardworking, patient team ;) fingers crossed for ya's :) looking sweet guy's ... Good job... High Five ;) hehe
