Thursday 16 June 2011

In floor pipes complete - Ready for concrete - Water well drilled

Water well drill rig.  Plumbers van to right 
Water well 6" casing.  Drilled 165ft (quite deep) even though they hit water at 90ft.  Well driller says  would get problems otherwise in this area.  (I am trusting his local knowledge... what else can I do... I could go on and on about the current system design and the rewards of being dishonest but I won't bother).    They also put in 80 ft of casing (expensive).  Sloppy drill mud.  Will need to shovel away as it or it will be a mess every time it rains.

In floor 1/2" Pex pipes complete.  Ready for concrete.  Unfortunately concrete finisher can't pour until Monday.  Plumbers pushed a lot of the chairs into the foam (as I suspected they would) and I will move them an inch or 2 so it is back up and will talk to the concrete finish to see if he can pour some concrete in before walking on it to support the chairs.  Perhaps there are better chairs for placing on top of foam insulation? (e.g., a larger flatter base?).  Googled it.. Here is an example
Bottom plate layout (2X4's) and hydronic pipes over basement that will receive 1 1/2" concrete over pour.  Carpenter not available so Brody and I place all of it.  The bottom plates of the interior walls over the basement will sit on these 2X4's.  Place poly down (as per advise from someone at a Canadian hydronic heating association).  This will keep the concrete off the plywood (so it won't rot the wood) and will also let the concrete and wood move on their own (i.e., they move at different rates) hopefully minimizing cracking.  I also covered all of the bottom plates with poly and or tape so no concrete will touch it as I did not use pressure treated wood.  The 12 1/2" circles in the middle are for the holes for the composting toilet 12" pipes and the rectangular holes on the right on either side of the shower are for the HRV ducts.  The plywood on the left is for the hydronic header and will be under the stairs.  Plumber recommended putting headers for greenhouse and house in here (i.e., I was originally going to have the header (as per the mechanical design) for the greenhouse in the greenhouse.  Also header for garage will be in basement (not the garage as per the original design).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy day ;) you guy's must be exhausted... WOW... looking great :)
