Thursday 26 May 2011

Changed Title and Updated Brief History on May 16 post

Finished floor joists over basement including plywood with carpenter and his guys.
Dozer got dropped off so hopefully will start grading pad tomorrow.

Laying T&G 3/4" plywood over floor joists with Eldon's (the carpenter) crew(Brent with the big hat).  Glued (PL400) & screwed (1 3/4" floor screws - with regular screw guns as
Eldons extended gun wouldn't work) ~ 6 inches on perimeter, 8 inches everywhere else.

L-bracket installed on several of the open web joists to tie to the sill plate that is anchored in the concrete wall with 8" J anchor bolts.  One of the carpenters guys ran away with some of my screws (Simpson Strong Tie extra strength screws) so I ran out. Will add a few more screws to this L bracket later (hopefully I don't forget.  When we are huddled in a corner of the basement as the level 5 Hurricane approaches I will probably remember if I did or not :-) Such alarmism!  I guess for the cost and effort it is pretty cheap storm security though.

Close up of the open web 11 7/8" floor joists.  The closest yellow beam is a 3 ply 11 7/8" X 1 3/4" 2.0 E  LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber).  There is also a 4 ply and a 2 ply 14" X 3/4" 2.0E LVL  to carry posts from above that go right to the roof.

Basement floor fully sheathed.  Material on saw horses on left (great saw horses, light (~18#'s) and strong,  I built from a set of plans by Bob Johnston, a flag waving, bible thumping, military supporting American (another example of more bad conditioning (brain washing), but great info on carpentry and from his writing seems like a good person who cares about others) is for stairs to basement that Brody (on left) and I will build.

Inside basement after floor is sheathed.  Forms set up and ready for concrete.  Root cellar on lower right with dirt floor (to hold moisture and regulate temperature, and a bit of gravel on top.

Hurricane tie-downs on LVL to sill plate.  Screws are Simpson Strong Tie extra strength.  With climate change who knows, we could end up seeing more severe weather (like the tornado's they are now experiencing in the US?) and stronger Hurricanes in this part of the world.

Another basement view showing root cellar and heavenly glow (actually it is just the sun coming through the stairwell so don't get too excited :-).


  1. Great pictures of the house being built! (Especially for a dork engineer such as myself) Look forward to seeing the house in July!

  2. It's amazing how those small-looking brackets can keep those main joists stuck to the ground in 150 km/hr winds!
