Tuesday 31 May 2011

Sub Slab Plumbing

Plumber installed sub slab drains and vents.  I didn't realize so many vents were needed so didn't have it all marked out so had to rush around when they showed up.  Plumbers are go go go.   Not a big fan of rushing.  Hopefully I got them in the right place !@#@!  :-o.  Brody is now responsible for all picture
taking with his iPhone as the screen on our $45.00 Costco camera fritzed out.

Plumber drilled holes for the 4" air vents for the root cellar.  The one on the right (north) will be the air intake.  I will  run a 4" duct through the hole and elbow it down on the inside and run it down close to ground level  to bring cold air in.  The on on the right (east) side will be the air outlet (to take out warmer air.  I may look at hooking up a thermostat to them in the future so will open and close automatically depending on the temperature in the green house and the outside temperature.

Plumbers digging the trench for the 3" line to the septic field.

Vent stacks.  Farthest one is green house drain,   middle left is  vent for greenhouse drain in wall between greenhouse and mudroom (hope this one is in right spot), one on right is kitchen sink drain and one on lower left is vent inside wall between house and mudroom.  He installed a clean out in our bedroom as he says he has to, by code, have a clean out within 3 feet of the outside wall, even though I will have one in the basement ~10 ft away.


  1. The plumbers are really working hard! It seemed like a scorching sunny day, but they were all out there to do their work. Anyway, did they dig up a deep trench there? It shouldn’t be too deep, so that when repairs are needed, it’ll be easier to remove the flooring.

    >Helene Raymond

    1. Hi Helene and Jay:

      Not sure if you noticed but the blog entry you just posted on is May 2011. We have been living in the house since last January and I have essentially abandoned this blog. I am actually still working on the greenhouse so I amy update it with some of that info. I was going to keep it going as I explore the world of permaculture but that seems unlikely now.

      Take Care

  2. Installing the drains and vents and digging up the trench are quite challenging work. Good thing you had a plumber to deal with these. Tip: Make sure that you have a backup battery for the pump. This will ensure that the system will work when the power goes out.

    >Jaye Conaway

  3. Slab plumbing is one of the hardest jobs to do. It needs a well-planned operation before starting. Plus, the digging can cause over fatigue, especially if you’re under the sun. By the way, you posted nice photos here!
    - Lovella Cushman
